Painted Journal 2008
Alan Powell

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         My church, Trinity Episcopal joined up with ST. Philip's New Hope ( My old church) for a work trip to Bayou La Batre (of Forest Gump Fame), Alabama. I was made foreman of the work teams. I did okay. I made sure i split the parents off from their kids. I hadn't been this far south in a long time. I liked the southernest part of it all. The South I knew in my youth is pretty much gone. That is both good and bad. The people are nice.. more friendly than up north. The Katrina work is demanding more and more skilled workers. I think the repair of the lower 9th ward in New Orleans will take a life time. The best part of the trip was going on Robert's shrimp boat. Alot of fish is wasted in the shrimping process. I made sure I took out some squid and ate it with the shrimp. It was hard to paint everynight in front of everyone else. I photographed all day and then referenced those images.

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